O.K. So I waited a while to post this strange happening because I am afraid no one will believe me, but I have decided that as a journalist, of sorts, I needed to post this strange freekish happening and the hell with my credibility!
First, let's review two points that have been established in previous posts : 1) I have had chickens most of my life. 2) our Cuckoo Marans lay a lot of double yolkers.
A couple of weeks ago I had a basket of eggs (we've gotten a little behind on our egg eating lately) and I decide to make a frittata.
I look into the basket and I see a HUGE egg. It's a little misshapen and I think to myself "Ouch! That had to hurt." Then I think "It's so big it might be a triple yolker!"
This is where, in retrospect, I wish I had taken a picture before I cracked it open.
Because what is inside of this gigantic egg is NOT two yolks, is NOT three yolks but....
(cue Twilight Zone theme song) an EGG INSIDE OF THE EGG! (and a little egg white), with an actual hard shell! I have never seen such a thing before, nor has any farmer I have asked.

I loved our daughter June's reaction "How does that even happen?" she says with a disgusted look on her face. We pondered, but knowing chicken eggs are formed in a sort of ovarian assembly line procedure, could think of no reasonable explanation.
So which came first, the egg or the egg inside the egg?