Although it's not earth shattering news, I once again proved that when your resources are limited, food tastes so much better.
On Sunday I decided to fix myself a real breakfast. This is no small feat since we are cooking on Coleman stoves and our choices are limited to what is on hand, no popping off to the corner store here.
But I am not complaining! It's nice to feel appreciation for what one has. And this is what I had:
Eggs- laid that morning by our Cuckoo Morans hens.
Bacon- thank heavens it lasts forever in the fridge
Blueberries- from the farm down the road.
I had very nearly missed the blueberry season but I did manage to get four pounds of very sweet berries off of our neighbors sun beaten bushes last week. The farm children run the U-pick and I still smile when I think of the pink crayoned sign on wide ruled paper stating "1.00 a pound", of the old, useless bathroom scale to weigh the berries on and the honor system of paying- leaving the money in a My Little Pony lunch box.
So, eggs over easy (double yolkers, of course), bacon and blueberry pancakes.
It was amazing. I have never tasted such good blueberry pancakes. I ate every bite, and the fact that it looked like this?
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